Santo Domingo.- National Botanical Garden director, Ricardo García, on Fri. said the institution has more than 20,000 plants and millions of seeds of native and endemic varieties to immediately reforest and restore El Limón Falls, Samaná, and its surroundings.
“The institution has carried out the studies of flora of Samaná peninsula and its surroundings, so it is known what the species that the area requires, in addition, we can provide the necessary technical advice for such action,” Garcia said in a statement.
The official said it’s urgent to deploy actions to save this space of great ecological, biological and economic value. “The problem is due to different factors, including: drought, deforestation and water drainage of this natural monument; situation that affects ecotourism.”
Over 70,000 tourists a year make excursions and are sources of economic support for approximately 500 families residing in the area.