Aaron Paul, the protagonist of one of the most popular series in recent years enjoyed the eastern beaches of the DR
The showcase portal TMZ and the photos of the actor on Instagram show that the artist celebrated a heavenly birthday on the island. According to the site, Paul spared no expense for his 40th birthday, staying in a suite at The Ani Resort that costs $ 25,000 per night. Aaron paid for 12 nights, spending an estimated $ 300k just for his accommodation.The popular actor was accompanied by family and friends, including Bryan Cranston, the famous Walter White, from the popular Breaking Bad series.
His wife Michelle Monaghan has enjoyed the stay and can be seen dancing with a Presidente beer.

The hotel complex is located on the north coast of the country and offers its guests complete privacy. The villa includes 14 rooms and all activities and meals are exclusive for guests. So nothing to queue at the buffet for Aaron and his family.
