Dominican Republic reached a record 6.6M tourists in 2018

Touristic guide

Dominican Republic / Touristic guide 432 Views comments

Santo Domingo.- The Central Bank on Fri. said the Dominican Republic reached the “historic figure” of 6,568,888 tourists in 2018 with 381,346 more travelers than 2017.

This year-on-year growth of 6.2% brings the country closer to the government’s goal 10 million tourists by 2022. To reach that goal, 3,431,112 more visitors are needed in the next three years.

The country received 6,187,542 tourists in 2017 and 5,959,347 in 2016.

On its website the Central Bank Tourism Flow Report for 2018 notes that the increase shows that 69.4% corresponds to foreign tourists (264,544 additional passengers) and the remaining 30.6% to Dominicans living abroad (116,802) additional passengers).
